Recycle the right way
What happens to your household waste once it’s been collected? If we understand the journey of household waste and its impact on the planet, we can all play our part in protecting the environment.
Your council is responsible for collecting the waste that you put in your wheelie bins. Although different councils collect different types of waste, most councils now collect recyclable waste separately from non-recyclable waste (usually called general or household waste). Some councils also collect food and glass waste separately, or even offer a garden waste collection service. It’s best to check with your local council to find out what is collected in your area and what types of materials can be put in each of your bins.
Recyclable waste is sorted into different material types and is broken down, dried and prepped to be used again.
Non-recyclable waste is the biggest problem. Non-recyclable waste gets taken to landfill or is burned, and therefore harms the planet. Landfill sites are dirty, unhygienic and they emit toxic gases that damage the atmosphere.
We can all play our part in reducing the amount of waste that goes into landfill by thinking carefully about how we use our everyday items. For example, we can:
- Refuse: ask yourself if you really need what you’re about to buy.
- Reduce the amount you buy.
- Reuse/repair: switch disposable items for reusable products.
- Recycle: put the correct items in your recycling bins or take unwanted clothing, toys and household items to charity shops.
- Rot: start a compost bin for food waste.

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