Save energy this summer

The days are long and the sun’s back out, so how can we change our habits through the summer to keep our energy use to a minimum?
Remember to switch appliances off when you’re not using them. This tiny habit can reduce your energy use quite significantly over the course of a year, especially if you’re out at work for most of the day.
If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, isn’t it nice to hang your washing out to dry in the sun? This is a much more efficient way to dry your clothes and it helps to reduce damp and mould problems indoors.
We also recommend you put your washing machine on a 30º setting.
Hopefully you won’t need to use your heating through the summer, but it’s worth checking that your controls are adjusted to ensure you only have heat when you need it.
Using the microwave or hob instead of the oven will help to reduce your energy costs. Summer is the time for cooler foods such as salads, which don’t require the use of the oven!
Now is the time to get your home ready for winter, because if you have any problems with keeping your home warm, you won’t want to face them in winter!
If your home was particularly cold last winter, you might benefit from one of our home energy efficiency services.
Contact us for personalised advice if you live in Southampton, Hampshire or Portsmouth.